Finding focus

A busy scattered mind is common these days. If you engage with the internet and especially social media, you may find your mind mimicking the behavior of web browsing or feed scrolling when you are not online.

When this happens for me, I find I’m not actually focusing on anything even though it seems like I’m covering everything. To create focus, I’ve brought aspects of my meditation practice into my daily life. Honestly, it’s really improved my ability to focus and be present.

Here are a few of them. I thought you might enjoying trying them too. 

Practice balanced breathing while washing the dishes

Balanced breathing or equal part breath is known as sama vritti which translates into "same wave." One of the benefit of the practice is the internal equilibrium it creates in your nervous system. You can do this by counting to three or four on your inhale and same on your exhale. Notice the quality of your breath and engage your diaphragm to reduce any strain in your upper chest.

This comes from a person who does not have a dishwasher 😉

Practice mantra while showering

A mantra is "a sound given in the yoga tradition to protect, to guide, and to train the mind."* One of the benefits of practicing mantra is the single pointed focus it creates in your mind. If you have a mantra you are working with, use that one. If you are new to mantra you may try soham, which translates into "I am" and is the mantra we are all born with, as it relates to our breath. Our inhale is "so" and exhale is "ham". You could also use an affirmation as your mantra like " I am _______."

*Rolf Sovik Moving Inward

Incorporate rituals into your bed time routine

This can be as simple or elaborate as you like. One of the benefits of rituals at bed time, is the connection to self it creates. You may find yourself having more care and empathy for your body, which you can give to others over time. Here are some ideas but feel free to get creative.

  • Rub an essential oil on your feet

  • Spritz yourself with a calming mist

  • Prepare and drink a calming herbal tea

  • Write daily reflections or gratitudes in your journal

  • Recite your mantra in your head until you fall asleep

  • Pull an oracle card and contemplate it through writing, breath or meditation


Creating safe(r) spaces


Compassionate action